Mediation is a non-adversarial dispute resolution process of using a mediator, usually another agreed upon matrimonial attorney, to assist in trying to resolve your case outside of Court. Mediation is almost always required in family law matters and often cases settle in whole or in part at mediation.
The purpose is to allow both sides to attempt to find a mutually agreeable resolution to the pending issues with the help of a neutral, third party mediator. Mediation can occur prior to the filing of an action or at any time prior to trial. The mediator will then move between the two sides, trying to get both sides to reach an acceptable middle ground.
The benefits of settling a case at mediation is that it allows both parties to maintain a greater degree of control over the outcome of their case and reach an agreement that is agreeable to them both. At trial, a Judge has complete control over deciding the matters before him or her and may not have the ability because of the law to make certain rulings that can be achieved at mediation.